Intensive Korean

  • Starts Every Monday

  • Course Duration
    1 ~ 61 Weeks

  • Monday to Friday
    9 am to 3:30 pm

  • Absolute Beginner
    To Advanced

Our Intensive Korean Course is a full time course, suitable for non-native overseas students who are aiming to progress rapidly. Our curriculum enables our students to learn Korean in a fast yet fun way, covering all speaking, listening, reading and writing aspects.

In addition to the morning core classes, our Intensive Korean program includes a skills-focussed afternoon program designed to optimize language proficiency. With a range of options to select from in each of the key language skills sets, our afternoon class allows students to extend their learning experience to address key areas of interest.

In addition to attending classes, you will require dedicated time to self-study. You are expected to revise the materials covered in class and also complete the homework given. This will ensure that your language proficiency accelerates during your time with us regardless of your stay duration.

Here at Lexis Korea, we believe that culture plays a fundamental role in unlocking the full Korean language learning experience. Therefore, we provide a range of cultural classes to introduce students to Korean culture, traditions, and history beyond your language course.

Lexis Korea offers a weekly curriculum allowing our students to join us on any given week for any duration of study. To ease our students into the program, we run a highly structured weekly syllabus with one set theme per week.

Course Level Chart




Core Text

(15min Break)

(Lunch Break)

Skill Focus (Mon – Thur)
Option Class & Activity (Fri)

(15min Break)


Our afternoon option classes

Our After-Class Option Programs and Activities are tailored to help you focus on your specific learning goals. With a variety of options available at each school, there’s something for every skill level. Some of the most popular choices include:




   Korean Etiquette Class

   Breaking News Dictation

   Korean Kitchen

   Job Club

   Book Club

   K-Drama Class

Contact Us

We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.

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